European Heritage Days - 21 & 22 September 2024

JEP 2024

European Heritage Days on 21 & 22 September 2024

The next European Heritage Days to be held on 21 and 22 September 2024 are an opportunity to discover or take another look at certain places.

And if you were to relive the work of Blessed Père Chevrier, the apostle of La Guillotière ?

Did you know that the Chapelle du Prado, in the heart of the 7e Was the Guillotière district of Lyon once a cabaret ballroom? Do you know Father Antoine Chevrier, an emblematic figure of the Guillotière district and of Lyon as a whole? Did you know that, with the support of men and women entirely dedicated to his cause, he saved nearly 2,400 underprivileged children and young people aged between 10 and 20 (around two-thirds boys and one-third girls) from poverty?   

Chambre du père Antoine Chevrier
Chapelle du Prado - Arbre de vie et ses fruits
Musée du père Antoine Chevrier

La Prado familywhich continues the work of Father Antoine Chevrier, welcomes you to the heart of the places where he lived and worked since 1860 for the poorest of the poor. Step back in time and discover the life of Blessed Father Antoine Chevrier in the service of the most destitute, as well as the spaces that will forever bear his imprint. The tour is divided into 3 key areas:

  • The Prado Chapel, " Our Lady of Sorrows" He rented it, then bought it a few years later to house his young protégés, most of whom were vagrants. In this "Providence", unlike in convents and workshops, the children did not work. For 6 months or more, they were given free accommodation, food, care, instruction and education. At its heart is the tomb of Blessed Father Antoine Chevrier, where you can pay your respects.
  • La room where Father Antoine Chevrier lived and died on 2 October 1879.
  • Le museum which retraces the main stages of his life and work. Follow in the footsteps of Pope John Paul II who visited the site, which contains numerous relics from the period, including writings byAntoine Chevrier. You won't be able to resist his letters, his commentaries on the Gospels or his now indispensable book,
    "The True Disciple". This book, which he wrote for the training of his priests, is a true legacy in which we discover the strength of his vocation and the richness of his spiritual experience in the service of the most underprivileged.

In doing so, Antoine Chevrier left his mark on the town's cultural identity.

You can visit these emblematic areas at your own pace. If you wish, you can also be guided by one of the volunteers from the Association des amis du Père Chevrier or a member of the Prado family (priest, sister, brother, lay person, etc.).

A great opportunity to (re)discover Père Chevrier, born on 16 April 1826 in Lyon and beatified on 4 October 1986 by Pope John Paul II. 

It all began in Saint-André at Christmas 1856, todayThe work of the founder of Prado and the Association of the Priests of Prado is shared by Pradosians in more than 50 countries (France, Spain, Italy, Brazil, Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Middle East, Mexico, Madagascar, Vietnam, South Korea, Chile...). This expansion began after the Second World War and is largely due to Mgr Alfred Ancel (1898-1984), whose commitment and teaching can still light our way today. Auxiliary bishop of Lyon, he remained superior of the priests of Prado for some forty years, and his influence within the institute and the Church of France is great. He was particularly involved in the search for links with the working world, including the movement of working-class priests. The Prado spiritual family is also pleased to invite you to the appointment which it is organising from September 2024 to September 2025, the year of the fortieth anniversary of the death of Mgr Alfred Ancel.

It's worth noting that women played an active part in Father Chevrier's work, including that of "First Communion", right from the start. This is how the Sisters of Prado came into being. Among them were Marie Boissonwho became the first leader of the Sisters of Prado. Today, they are a religious order of diocesan right (a society of apostolic life of diocesan right) and are also present in various countries (France, Spain, Chile, Madagascar, India, South Korea, Vietnam...).

The tour is FREE and suitable for ALL.
We look forward to seeing you on SATURDAY 21 and/or SUNDAY 22 SEPTEMBER 2024 from 3pm to 6pm.
The entrance is at no. 9 rue Père Chevrier (Chapel) or a few steps away at no. 13 (Museum and bedroom).

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us by telephone on 04 78 72 70 66 or by email.

Affiche Prado JEP septembre 2024