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    Contact us

    Association of the Priests of Prado

    The "Permanents" at "13": Prado General

    • Father Armando PASQUALOTTO (General Manager)
    • Father Luc LALIRE (1st Assistant)
    • Sergio BRAGA DOS SANTOS NETO (2nd Assistant)

    International secretariat and communications

    Accounting - Revues du Prado

    In the footsteps of Blessed Père Chevrier

    You don't know Father Antoine Chevrier yet?
    Would you like to find out more about his life and work, and about the Prado family, now present throughout the world?

    Don't hesitate to contact us make an appointment for a visit to +33 (0) 4 78 72 70 66 or by mail.
    La The tour is FREE and suitable for ALL.

    We will help you (re)discover the museum and the Blessed Father Antoine Chevrier's roomas well as Prado Chapel, " Our Lady of Sorrows" a former ballroom and cabaret that houses his tomb at its heart. 

    Chambre du Père Antoine Chevrier
    Musée Père Antoine Chevrier
    Chapelle du Prado