Contact form


    Contact us

    Association of the Priests of Prado

    Address13, Rue Père Chevrier 69007 - LYON / FRANCE
    (Parent company

    Telephone : +33 (0) 4 78 72 41 67 - Fax : +33 (0) 4 72 72 04 54

    Email :

    The "Permanents" at "13": Prado General

    Father Armando Pasqualotto (General Manager)

    Father Luc Lalire (1st Assistant)

    Sergio Braga dos Santos Neto (2nd Assistant)

    International Secretariat

    Anne Lavaux (Assistant to the Prado General)

    Email :

    Accounting - Revues du Prado

    Dominique Muhlstein (Accounting & Assistance Assistant, Prado de France)

    Email :