Bishops' session Limonest - France from 23 to 28 May 2024

Session des évêques - Mai 2024 - Pèlerinage à Annecy

This spiritual and friendly meeting brought together Prado priests called to serve the Church as successors of the Apostles in a particular Church. Bishops from all over the world met at the Maison Saint André in Limonest in the Rhône-Alpes region (France) at the invitation of the General Council of the Institute of the Priests of Prado. Fathers Armando PASQUALOTTO, Luc LALIRE, Sergio BRAGA DOS SANTOS NETO, Diego MARTIN PENAS, Joseph NIKIEMA, Damiano MEDA, Youssef ASSAF and Bienvenu BABINDAMA KOKANI (secretary) once again thank the bishops who were able to join them for this fruitful session of reflection and prayer:

  • Bishop Aristeu VIERABishop of the Diocese of LUZ (Minas Gerais, Brazil),
  • Bishop Zanoni DEMETTINO CASTROBishop of FEIRA DE SANTANA (Brazil),
  • Bishop Juarez DELORTO SECCOBishop of the Diocese of CARATINGA (Espritu Santo, Brazil)
  • Bishop Marcellin RANDRIAMAMONJYBishop of FENERIVE-Est (Madagascar),
  • Bishop Ramzi GARMOUChaldean Bishop of Istanbul, Apostolic Visitor for the Chaldeans of Europe (Turkey),
  • Bishop Joseph DO MANH HUNGBishop of PHAN THIET (South Vietnam),
  • Bishop Jean Marie CHAMIByzantine Bishop - Greek Catholic (originally from Beirut),
  • Bishop Edivalter ANDRADEBishop of PARNAÍBA (Brazil),
  • Bishop Vanthuy NETOBishop of São Gabriel da Cachoeira in the Amazon region of Brazil.
Some of the guest bishops, permanent members of Prado International and speakers at Maison Saint-André in Limonest.
One of the daily masses held in the chapel of the Maison Saint-André in Limonest

Other bishops who were unable to attend, due to diocesan commitments or the duties they carry out in their respective episcopal conferences, experienced this meeting in communion of prayer:

  • Mgr Louis Martin Barraza, Bishop of Torreon (Mexico)
  • Mgr Humberto Tapia Diaz, Bishop of Chachapoyas (Peru)
  • Mgr Dominique Blanchet, Bishop of Créteil (France)
  • Mgr Job Koo Yo Bi, Auxiliary Bishop of Seoul (South Korea)
  • Bishop Joseph Bui Cong Trac, Auxiliary Bishop of Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam)

For this year's event, the General Council of the Institute of the Priests of Prado chose to propose a programme that would link the fundamental intuitions of Blessed Father Antoine Chevrier with current events. The various presentations particularly highlighted the synodal dimension that Pope Francis wanted to place at the centre of research in the Catholic Church.

  • Thursday 23rd May welcome day, " Come aside and rest "hosted by Armando PASQUALOTTO (Priest of Prado Italy, General Manager of Prado).
  • Friday 24 May : " Follow me in my suffering ". Renunciations Galatians 6: "the marks of the passion" Mgr Alfred Ancel: the sufferings of P. Chevrier, by Damiano MEDA (Priest of Prado d'Italie, member of the General Council and author of a thesis on Antoine Chevrier).
  • Saturday 25th May : " Follow me in my charity ". The Bishops' Consecratory Prayer, Communion and Synodality, in relation to the synthesis of the 2023 session of Synod No. 4, by Jaume FONTBONA (Priest of the Prado of Spain, lecturer at the University of Barcelona).
  • Sunday 26th May : " In the footsteps of St François de Sales "A pilgrimage to Annecy. "Everything belongs to Love", a visit introduced by Mme. Chantal TOUVET (historian).
Mass at Thorens church
Bishops' session - Meeting with Mgr Yves Le Saux, Bishop of Annecy
  • Monday 27 May : " Follow me in my poverty ". The mystery of the Incarnation in relation to today's reality, "What do we see? Making a link with the poor and today's reality, through Philippe CHATAGNON (Prado priest, Lyon, living in Limonest).
  • Tuesday 28 May : " Go forth from all nations ". "The one thing we need: to proclaim Jesus Christ to the poor". In relation to the summary of the 2023 session of Synod No. 4, by Youssef ASSAF (Priest of Prado d'Orient, parish priest in Beirut, member of the General Council).
Mass at the end of the Bishops' Session in the Prado Chapel - Tuesday 28 May 2024


The bishops' session ended with a mass presided over by Mgr Jean-Marie CHAMI (Bishop of the Greek Catholic Melkite Church of Egypt, Sudan and South Sudan) in the Prado chapel. To share this moment of communion, click here.