Fraternity to receive and build

1 - A gift from the Triune God
. The Paschal Mystery, source of fraternity. (Jn 20, 19-23) (Lk 23, 39-43) (1 Co 8,
10) (Hb 2,10-13)

. A Spirit of filial adoption. Same Father! (Rom 8:12-17) (Rom 8:29) (Eph 1:3-6)

. The poor, one of my brothers. (Mt 25, 39-46)

2 - A difficult fraternity!

. Denying the brother (Gen 4, 1-16) (Gen 37, 12-36) (Lk 22, 14-23) (Mt 26, 47-50)

. Division between disciples, within communities. (Mt 20, 20-28) (3 Jn) (Gal 2, 11-14) (1 Co, 10-17) (Ac 15, 36-41)

3 - The paths of fraternity

. To have among ourselves the sentiments of Christ (Phil 2, 1-11) (Mt 18, 21-22)

. To be of Christ's family! (Mt 12, 46-50)

. Rely on Jesus' prayer! (Jn 17:9-23)

. Bear with one another (Col. 3, 5-17) (Gal 6, 1-10) (Lk 22, 31-34)

4 - In the light of the Prado

. Texts by Père Chevrier (Ecrits Spirituels, p. 102-109)

. Prado Constitutions: fraternal life (66-72)

. Text by the General Council 1998 :

"Following Jesus Christ, fraternal life

Robert Daviaud - (2009)