National meeting of Prado priests in Vietnam

The priests of Prado in Vietnam, whether committed or sympathisers, met as they do every quarter in Saigon - Ho Chi Minh City. The theme of this meeting was to deepen the charism, but also the responsibility of each one through the commitment in the association of the priests of Prado. There are around twenty Prado priests in Vietnam, ...

Welcome to the new website of the Association of Priests of Prado!

Feast of the Epiphany 2024: with the Magi, the new Prado priests' website brings you good news: you can discover this new feature online! We invite you to browse through the site, where you'll find texts and documents that were already published in the previous version of the site, as well as ...

Saint Paul's practice of ministry

Father Chevrier saw Saint Paul as the model of the apostle, the model of the priest. While examining the Gospels, he never ceased to listen to what the Holy Spirit could reveal to him through his study of Paul's texts. It is this work that is continued here in a ...

The richness of the Word of God

Suggested study of the Gospel "Live in thanksgiving. Let the Word of Christ dwell in you in all its richness" (Col 3, 15-16) Introduction (Constitutions, no. 37. VD 227. Dei Verbum, 25) The Paschal Witness. (1 Jn 1, 1-4. Rm 1, 1-4) Christ brings us to the knowledge of God (Mt 11, 27. ...

Fraternity to receive and build

1 - A gift from the Triune God. The Paschal Mystery, source of brotherhood. (Jn 20:19-23) (Lk 23:39-43) (1 Cor 8:10) (Heb 2:10-13) . A Spirit of filial adoption. Same Father! (Rom 8:12-17) (Rom 8:29) (Eph 1:3-6) . The poor, one of my brothers. (Mt 25, 39-46) 2 - Difficult fraternity ...

The New Alliance Ministry

This study of the Gospel is based on the contemplation of the text (2 Cor 3:1-18). This passage of Scripture develops the ministry of the New Covenant, which Paul calls the ministry of the Spirit, in contrast to the ministry of the Old Covenant, that of the Law. Those who have been ordained have received the ministry of the Spirit ...

Jesus led by the Holy Spirit

In this text, you will find a lengthy study of the Gospel that encourages us to enrich our knowledge of the mystery of God. Starting with Saint John, we are offered a meditation on the way in which Jesus Christ is led by the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the envoy of the Father. He works at his work for salvation ...

"Lord, teach us to pray

    It happened that Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he had finished, one of his disciples asked him, "Lord, teach us to pray, as John the Baptist also taught his disciples." He replied: "When you pray, say: 'Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. ...

Spiritual study of the Gospel

This work was presented at the July 2009 session on the Study of the Gospel in Limonest. It attempts to bring us closer to the Study of the Gospel as a spiritual study. The Holy Spirit is truly the soul of this study: he forms Christ in the Incarnation and in the Eucharist. He gives life to the written word...

Knowing Jesus Christ

The knowledge of Jesus Christ, in faith and love, surpasses all knowledge and takes us to the fullness of God. This is the great knowledge that we must seek and care for. It is a gift from God that also surpasses our limited capacities, but which introduces us to the horizon of fullness. It is ...